Thursday, March 10, 2005

God's White House vs God's Green Earth

The Times reports, "A core group of influential evangelical leaders has put its considerable political power behind a cause that has barely registered on the evangelical agenda, fighting global warming."

I'm curious to see how this lobby will play out. Bush was quick to tie his electoral fortunes to the whims of the evangelicals when gays and abortion were on the line, but I don't think he ever counted on a green push coming from them. Given his administration's complete disdain (they're well beyond neglect at this point) for the environment, this is a great test of the Christian lobbyists' true influence on American governance.

I imagine the American left is also interested in the results of this challenge. After all, here's one of their favourite causes put forth by their least favourite opponents. If the evangelicals don't get their way, they lose their last hope for green action from the Republican administration. However, if the churches get their way, the environment may be their last chalk-mark in the win column for a long, long while.

In fact, given the suddenness of the Christian Right's interest in the environment, might this be a construed as a deliberate shot across the Democrats' bow?


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