Monday, January 31, 2005

All We Are Saying Is Give Pop A Chance

While my faith in the media is waning, my faith in pop music revived somewhat this weekend. First I discovered Jaime Paxton's fantastic song "5 Years" amidst a pile of Tom Paxton songs I'd downl... uh, investigated (Quote Mr. Burns, "Yes, that'll do.") Her woefully broken-linked site doesn't yield the promised free download of the song, but by the looks of it there's an album due soon.

The other song that caught my ear was Jeremy Fisher's catchy "High School." It's not particularly standout in its sound - another variant of Goo Goo Dolls/John Mayer generica - but it's obviously on heavy rotation already and so far I'm liking the fact that I'm guaranteed to hear it twice a day. I also love the fact that I first heard it's rather "Adult Accompaniment" lyrics during the mid-morning shift on Mix 99.9 (not worth a link, trust me), the worst of the Toronto radio stations for censoring words in Top 40 songs. Delicious irony also served by the fact that, soon after the song was played, I was subject to the Mix's station identification bumper proclaiming, "Your radio station is a Standard radio station." Boy, they got that right...


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