Wednesday, January 05, 2005


Yahoo! News - CNN Lets 'Crossfire' Host Carlson Go:
"CNN said goodbye to pundit Tucker Carlson on Wednesday, and with him likely the 'Crossfire' program that has been the granddaddy of high-volume political debate shows on cable television.

[Jonathan] Klein [CNN's new CEO] on Wednesday told Carlson, one of the four 'Crossfire' hosts, that CNN would not be offering him a new contract...

'I guess I come down more firmly in the Jon Stewart camp,' Klein told The Associated Press... Klein said he wants more substantive programming that is still compelling.

'I doubt that when the president sits down with his advisers they scream at him to bring him up to date on all of the issues,' he said. 'I don't know why we don't treat the audience with the same respect.'"

I'd like to think that this will result in a newfound sanity in the US news industry, and a more measured and intelligent approach to discussion, but odds are it'll just result in lower ratings at CNN. It shows the power of the Jon Stewart j'accuse, though, which is inspiring; I've been hoping JS will learn to take some of his own advice and start pressing a bit harder on his interviewees. When you're the de facto news source for a generation, it's OK to ask throw tougher questions in with the quips.

And it's nice to see that arrogant jerk get bitchslapped for once, even though he'll eventually land a prime spot on FOX and become twice as annoying as before. He's like the Republican Obi-Wan...


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