Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Creationist Trolls

That can mean both the flame-warmongers and the dark ages scientists, BTW.

Here's a great rebuff to a Creationist from a scientist who really-just-does-not-have-enough-time-for-this-kind-of-thing:

> Oh, I forgot, evolutionists don't have any biases! They only engage in *real* science

Oh, I have plenty of biases, all right. I'm quite biased toward depending upon what my senses and my intellect tell me about the world around me, and I'm quite biased against invoking mysterious mythical beings that other people want to claim exist but which they can offer no evidence for. I'm quite biased toward accepting the evidence I see at face value, and I'm quite biased against throwing that evidence out simply because some people with pre-conceived notions try to pretend it doesn't exist. I'm quite biased toward accepting the ideas of those who understand how science works, and who understand that everything in science is open to question and testing, and I'm quite biased against accepting the ideas of those who have no idea of how science works and who will hold onto discredited ideas no matter what the evidence against them simply because they have pre-conceived ideas of how the universe operates. I'm also biased toward the Dallas Cowboys, almost all forms of chocolate, pizzas with anchovies, and any woman who acknowledges my existence.


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