Friday, January 21, 2005

Like a Red State Alan Partridge

Yahoo News asks the pressing question: What Do You Know About George W. Bush?

From this, I learned that Dubya loves pralines & cream ice cream, hates for people to be late, and considers "books" to be a desert island necessity (probably for use as toilet paper.)

Good to know they're really covering the issues. Personally, I would have asked some different questions...

1. What was the US debt in January of 2000? What is it currently? (For a bonus, Bush has signed every spending bill that has come to his desk - True or False?)
2. How many 9/11 hijackers were Iraqi?
3. How many "Coalition of the Willing" troops served in Iraq in 2003? How many are serving now?
4. How are things in Afghanistan these days?


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